13 Dec 2012

What was the theme for the project?
The theme of the project is Red Riding Hood, which is one of the poems featured in Roald Dahl's book 'Grizzly and Ghastly' book of poems, the book cover we designed as our project. 

How have you developed your ideas? How did your work change through the project?
I have stuck with my ideas throughout the project, but adapted and developed them further. Using key objects and characters such as the cottage and Red Riding hood, I tried different techniques and positioning of the objects. For example, in my first attempt of my book cover, Red Riding Hood was facing towards the house, so the back of her was showing. 

How much reference material did you find? Do you think you should have done more or less?
I used the reference materials given to me, but researched key words and found my own pictures also. Things such as wolves, red riding hood, gun and grandma.

What artists or designers have you looked at to help and inspire you?
I looked at Scott Campbell's work and copied some of it. I really liked his style of work as it looked untidy but had a really good effect. 

What materials, tools and techniques did these artists use?
Scott Campbell used gouache which is like a water colour substance. 

How have your skills developed during the project?
My drawing skills have developed as I have been taught how to draw and structure a realistic wolf and body.

Are there any aspects of your studies that you wish you had explored further?
I wish I had explored different artists and materials further so that could have had more experience and knowledge of the poem and been able to use this to make a better finished piece.

How have you used formal elements such as line, tone, colour and shape?
I made my book cover completely black and white to give it a clean, professional look then added the red to certain areas such as Red Riding Hood and the subheadings. I used tone on the original first drawings but the adjustment of threshold took the tone out. The grass doesn't look realistic as I used and rounded unnatural shape which gives it a childish affect. 

What materials did you use, and why? Did they work successfully?
I used different techniques such as gouache, charcoal, pencil and graphite pencil. Most worked successfully, but I didn't like working with the graphite pencil or the charcoal because I prefer my work neat instead of messy although it looks effective and gloomy.

What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful?
I wanted to get across that Red Riding Hood looks scared and timid, but on the inside she is able to kill, which I show through the darkness around her eyes. I made the other objects look exaggerated and cheerful like the house and grass which would then enhance the girl to look more evil.

Are you happy with your final piece? Are there any elements you like in particular?
I am happy with my final piece of work as it looks fresh, professional and follows the theme of the project. My favourite element is Red Riding Hood as she was the main character I focused on during the project to get the message across. I also liked the font I used as it's got a creepy effect by having spider webs on each letter.

Is there anything you would change? Why?
I would like to firstly look into the characters in more depth to try and bring their personalities into the final piece. Also, i'd like to use different materials to have a varied choice of techniques to use in my work.